Air Classifier Mill

Our range of Air Classifier mills offers finer grinding capabilities than standard Universal mills as well as providing greater control of grinding temperature and particle size distribution. These mills are used for milling and grinding heat-sensitive material.
The Air Classifier mill is essentially an impact mill with a regulated airflow that is circulated within the mill. Once milled, the fine material is carried out with the air while coarse particles are prevented from leaving if they are above a certain, pre-determined cut size.
Because the product does not leave the mill until it has been reduced to the desired size, Air Classifier mills are ideal for applications where the process has to be achieved in one pass. One pass milling eliminates the need for separate classification equipment and the associated recirculatory system. Eliminating these accessories reduces the cost and space required and improves hygiene. The Air Classifier is able to grind products to an average particle size of 10µ.
Benefits of using Air Classifier Mills:
  • Eliminates need for separate classification equipment.
  • Temperature and energy controlled grinding.
  • Useful for a wide range of applications.
  • Hygienic.
  • Easy access for cleaning and maintenance.
  • Downtime between products is minimised.
The typical applications of the Air Classifier include ultra-fine grinding of active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as dye powders, talc, etc.
